
Give Volunteers Community Partners Strengthening Families 


To build network and community for participants, groups are invited to adopt a room. Care, concern, and encouragement can have so much impact on a young person when it comes from someone they did not know or expect it from. Often housing insecurity is seen solely as a lack of financial resources, but the true root of the issue is a lack of a network that can create opportunity and connect our young people to various resources to remove barriers to self-sufficiency. 

While participants are encouraged to meet room sponsors and be ambassadors for TreeHouse, it is at the discretion of the participant whether they choose to meet with a sponsor or not. The estimated service commitment is 2-4 times per year and would be determined by the participant length of stay and successful completion of the program. Room adoptees agree to provide the following to TreeHouse participants:

Entering the program

  • Clean and paint room
  • Provide welcome basket with participant favorites. (i.e., snack, lotion, restaurant gift card, book)
  • When scheduling permits decorating the room welcoming the participant to the program.

During the program

  • Provide access to their network with the goal of identifying and accessing affordable housing and livable wage jobs for participants.
  • Connecting participants personal and career interest with mentors from the community with similar interest or expertise.
  • When possible, provide special interest items. (i.e., guitar, art supplies, writing journal, camera)

Exiting the program

  • Hosting a small event to celebrate them completing the program and moving on to their next phase of life.
  • Parting gifts to assist them with their move.
  • Clean and paint room

For more information on adopting a room, please contact Mario Martin at mmartin@uwaydelaware.org.


The Young Adult Transitional Living Program provides not only a safe living space, but wrap-around services to encourage continued success after graduating from the program. Cooking classes, life skills, and special interest classes are offered at the Strengthening Families Hub. These offerings are guided by the goals of the current participants at the house at any given time. Wrap-around services are also open to the broader community to further strengthen relationships and encourage future success.

Volunteers are needed to serve in intentional friendships and participate in these engagement opportunities. If you have a special area of interest or expertise you would like to be able to share when a participant matching those interests presents in the program.